Services running as normal.

 Please be patient if waiting for an update whilst the team investigate the recent issues and complete their steps to make sure these remain resolved and functioning.

We do apologise for the lack of communication to your calls and emails whilst we focused on the services we supply to our customers.  We fully understand your frustration but decided to fully focus our time and resources to resolve these issues and thank you for your patience and understanding.

Please do email if you feel you still have an issue.  Some users still have old or out of date settings and not using SSL.  For those your mail server, username and password are still valid but you need to check the following settings are correct:

Incoming Server: 
IMAP Port: 993
POP3 Port: 995

Outgoing Server: 
SMTP Port: 465

Some Apple or other devices are complaining on port 465, so please try 587 before requesting support.

IMAP, POP3, and SMTP servers all require the username and password for authentication.